- 1:00 PM - 202 (Cool Tools for Parents, H. Witherwax) How can we help parents deal with stress in the fast paced world in which we live? This session will offer quick, easy-to-use strategies that will positively enhance the time parents have with their children. Be the cool parenting person with these tools!
- 5:30 PM - 405 (Connecting with Your Child, Ronnie Gonzalez) According to studies by the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education, students whose parents are involved in their education are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level programs, pass their classes and be promoted, attend school regularly, adapt well to school, have better social skills, and even show improved behavior. Learn, share, and discuss ways parents can engage in their student's education through questioning, conversations, and supporting learning away from school.
- 6:30 PM - Cafeteria (Digital Life: Our Kids Connected Culture, Jo Anna Moreland) This session will support parents' efforts to raise good digital citizens in the information age.
Tuesday, August 19
- 9:30 AM - 202 (What Impact Do Kindness and Compassion Have?, 6-12, H. Witherwax) How can you incorporate Rachel’s Challenge in your life? Join us to learn the answers to these questions and find out how Rachel's Challenge can make a difference in your life.
- 1:00 PM - 202 (What's In It For Me?, H. Witherwax) The classes we have for parents gives a unique opportunity for the teacher and parent to be on the “same page” with a student. The strategies taught at the parent classes are the same type strategies used in the classroom, so... when the student arrives home from school the same strategies apply. Wow! What better way to BUILD relationships with parents!
- 3:00 PM - 405 (Skyward Family Access, K. Finke) This session is designed for parents and guardians who would like to learn more about keeping up with their child's education through Skyward. Come learn the ropes about what is available to you in Skyward. If you have been using Skyward already and have questions, please bring them with you. We will try to address questions that you may have.
- 5:30 PM - Cafeteria (Digital Life: Our Kids Connected Culture, Jo Anna Moreland) This session will support parents' efforts to raise good digital citizens in the information age.
- 6:30 PM - 405 (Connecting with Your Child, Ronnie Gonzalez) According to studies by the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education, students whose parents are involved in their education are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level programs, pass their classes and be promoted, attend school regularly, adapt well to school, have better social skills, and even show improved behavior. Learn, share, and discuss ways parents can engage in their student's education through questioning, conversations, and supporting learning away from school.
Wednesday, August 20
- 8:30 AM - 103 (Staying Connected with Your Teen, D. Ghylin-Bennett) A program for people who are parenting (or teaching teens!)" Teens aren't easy. Ever wonder why we spend the first couple years of a child's life telling them to walk and talk...and then spend the next 15 years or so telling them to sit down and be quiet? If you have tens, or work with teens, come learn more about the program Staying Connected With your Teen. You'll experience activities from this program which will soon be available to parents and others in the Navasota School District.
- 10:30 AM - 202 (T.R.U.N.K.S. Teaching Real-life Uniquely Neat and Cheap Kid-friendly Skills, PK-5, H. Witherwax, P. Kniffin) This session invites you to receive terrific and various educational activities and strategies that can be made easily in a home or school setting at a minimal out-of-pocket expense. Come find ways to use and reuse many free and/or inexpensive resources to make learning motivating and fun!
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